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Reading Surah Naas dream interpretations

Reciting Surah Naas Dream Explanation — Its reader will be safeguarded against all calamities and granted refuge from the accursed devil. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reading Dream Explanation — Reading the front page of a letter, a paper, or a book in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Reading the last page, or the back cover of a book in a dream means indebtedness. Reading a book in a dream also means receiving an inheritance. If one finds himself as a lettered person and if he reads well in his dream, it means that he will attain a high ranking job. If one sees himself reading his book of records in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reading Dream Explanation — Reading a book in another language in a dream means travelling to such a country, or going to places one is not familiar with and performing a job that will earn him fame. If one sees himself reading a book in a foreign language and is unable to properly decipher its words in a dream, it means that he will escape from a potential danger he could face in such a land, or it could mean falling sick in a foreign country, then recovering from one's illness before returning to one's homeland. (Also see Language; Quranic recital; Reckoning) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — I was then led into an abode where I heard the voices of Qur'an readers. I stood there shaking. I then heard a voice saying to me: 'Be at peace. Rise there and read.' I turned my face to the direction of the voice and saw a pulpit made from white pearls. One step is made from red sapphire, and another is made from green chrysolite. Then I was told: 'Rise and read.' So I did, and I read Al-An'am chapter, not knowing before whom I am reading. When I reached verse sixty-one, reading: 'And He is the irresistible Lord, Who watches from above over His creation...' (Qur'an 6:61), the voice then said: 'Oh Hamza, Am I not the irresistible Lord, Who watches from above over His creation?' I said: 'Indeed. Thou speaks the truth.' Then I read Al-A'raf chapter to its last verse, which says: 'Those who are near to their Lord, do not disdain to worship Him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — They celebrate His praises, and bow down in prostration before Him.' (Qur'an 7:206). As I intended to prostrate before my Lord, my Lord said: 'Sufficient is the reading. Do not prostrate here.' He continued: 'Oh Hamza, who taught you how to read this?' I replied: 'Sulaiman.' He said: 'True. Who taught Sulaiman?' I replied: 'Yahya.' He said: 'True. Who taught Yahya?' I replied: 'Abi Abdu-Rahman.' He said: 'True. Who taught Abi Abdu-Rahman?' I replied: 'Ali Bin Abi Talib, the cousin of Thy Prophet.' He said: 'Ali spoke the truth. Who taught Ali?' I replied: 'Thy Prophet, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam.' He said: 'My Prophet spoke the truth. Who taught My Prophet?' I replied: 'Gibreel, Alayhi-Salam.' He continued: 'And Who taught Gibreel?' I remained silent. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa once visited Hamza Bin Al-Habib Al-Zayyat, God bless his soul, who had memorized the Holy Qur'an and read it with great devotion, seeking God's pleasure, and saw him crying and rubbing his cheeks with dust. He exclaimed: "I call upon God's protection for you. Oh Hamza, what is this crying?" Hamza replied: "Last night, I saw in a dream that the Day of Resurrection took place. The readers of the Qur'an were called in to stand before God Almighty, and I was among them. I then heard an amiable voice saying: 'Only those who lived by the Qur'an should enter.' I was in shock, so I began to withdraw. A voice called my name: "Where are you going to, Oh Hamza Bin Al-Zayyat?' I cried out: 'At thy command, Oh caller to my Lord.' An angel then said to me: 'Say: At Thy command Oh my Lord, At Thy command.' So I repeated what the angel told me to say. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — He said: 'Oh Hamza, say You.' I replied: 'Lord, I cannot say that!' He again said: 'Say You.' I said: 'You.' He said: 'You spoke the truth Hamza. I swear by the Qur'an, I shall honor its readers and particularly those who lived by it and acted with it. Oh Hamza, the Qur'an is My Word, and I love no one better than the people of the Qur'an. Oh Hamza, come nearer.' So I did, and my Lord anointed me with a musky ambergris. Then He added: Oh Hamza. This is not only for you. I did the same to your companions who are higher than you and to those who are lower than you, as well as to those who read the Qur'an like you and who seek no reward except Me. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — What I have reserved for you is still greater than this. So tell your friends about Me and about My love for the people of the Qur'an, for they are the chosen and elite. Oh Hamza, I swear by My Glory and Majesty, I shall never punish a tongue that recited the Qur'an, nor a heart that understood it, nor an ear that heard it, nor an eye that looked at it.' I said: 'Glory be to Thee, Oh my Lord.' God Almighty added: 'Who are the people of the Qur'an?' I said: 'Those who memorize it, my Lord?' He said: 'Indeed. Such people. I am on their side until they meet with Me on the Day of Judgement. When they come before Me, I shall raise them a station for each verse they learned.'" Hamza, God be pleased with him continued: "Thus, would you blame me if I cry and rub my cheeks with dust?" Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Ala Dream Explanation — Allah will ease his matters for him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Asr Dream Explanation — Its reader will exercise sabr and patience and he will help in matters of truth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Nasr Dream Explanation — Allah will help its reader against his enemies. Perhaps its recitation is an indication of his death in the near future. For, it was specifically revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) to inform him about his death. A person said to Ibn Sirin (RA) that he had dreamed as if he were receiting Surah Nasr. He said to him “Make out your will. Your time has drawn near”. He asked : “Why?” he replied: “Because it was the last Surah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam)”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Sabaa Dream Explanation — The one who recites this Surah will become brave and every eager to arm himself with a sword. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Maryam Dream Explanation — Whoever reads this Surah in his dream he will find himself in straitened circumstances but Allah will remove his difficulties and ease matters for him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Maaidah Dream Explanation — The reader of this Surah will be anoble person whose passion will be to feed people. But at length he will be harmed by some hard-hearted persons. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Qasas Dream Explanation — Whoever recites this Surah he will be tested in the matter of a piece of land. This piece of land may be in the countryside, city, his home or in the place where he performs his salaah. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Muminoon Dream Explanation — Reading it is an indication that he loves offering long prayers and displaying his submission to Allah during the nights. But there is fear that he will be afflicted with some serious illness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Fatihah Dream Explanation — Anyone who recites it fully or partially, his duas will be assuredly accepted by Allah and he will derive such benefit thereby that it will bring him joy and happiness. Some say that he will marry seven women in succession and his duas will be accepted. This is borne out by the fact that Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) used to recite Alhamdu lillahi rab bil alameen in the beginning of his dua as well as at the end. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Baqarah Dream Explanation — Whoever reads it in his dream fully or partially_albeit one word_ he will live long and progress in deeds of piety. At times it means he will move to a new locality where he will be revered and honoure.d Some say that if he is a qaadhi (judge) his departure from this world is imminent and if he an Alim his life span will be long and his condition will improve. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Al Imraan Dream Explanation — Whoever reads it in his dream fully or partially he will be the black sheep of his family. He will acquire hisd rizq in old age. He will also undertke journeys continuously. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reciting Surah Nisaa Dream Explanation — The reader will live with a beautiful woman till the end of his life. But the marriage will not be a happy one. He will also possess the ability to rpesent stong arguments and speak eloquently. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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