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Physician dream interpretations

Physician Dream Explanation — (Mother) A physician in a dream represents a wise man, or a religious doctor. A physician in a dream also represents a scholar, and a scholar in a dream represents a physician. If one sees a physician examining him in a dream, it means an improvement in his health condition. If one sees a religious scholar advising him in a dream, it means that hypocrisy and doubt will be dispelled from his heart. A physician in a dream also represents one's mother, or he could be an opponent, or an adversary. The death of one's physician in a dream means the death of one's mother. If a sick person sees a physician visiting him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Physician Dream Explanation — If a physician visits a healthy person in a dream and write a prescription for him, it means that he will fall sick. Seeing or visiting a physician in a dream means exposing one's secrets, for a physician works to extract the patient's illness just like a snake charmer who brings a snake out of its hiding. A physician in a dream also represents a garbage collector, a street cleaner, a spy, a backbiter, or a fighter who sometime wins and sometime loses. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Physician Dream Explanation — To see oneself as a physician in a dream means attaining a high ranking position, or becoming a policeman, or a commander who controls people's livelihood. A physician in a dream also represents someone who provides spiritual as well as practical guidance, a social reformer, a judge, a preacher, a teacher, a tanner, or a copper. If one sees a just and a well known judge as a physician in a dream, it means that his compassion and welfare will encompass everyone in that locality. If one sees a known physician as a judge or a wise man in a dream, it means that one will become renowned, his status will rise and he will become a celebrated pioneer in his field. If he is not known to be a righteous physician, then it means that one will be visited with adversities, or it could mean that someone will die from malpractice, or it could mean persevering with daring attempts do increase one's business at the expense of people's lives. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Physician Dream Explanation — If one sees a physician selling coffins or folded shrouds in a dream, one should be suspicious of him in wakefulness even if people are fascinated by his charm. If one sees a physician working as a tanner in a dream, it shows the physicians ingenuity, knowledge of his trade and the many people who recover from their illness at his hand. The exception to that is when the tan is spoiled, or if it has a stench, or if it is ineffective in the dream, then it means that such a physician is a crafty swagger. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Doctor Dream Explanation — (See Physician) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jesus Dream Explanation — If one sees himself in a dream as Jesus (Alayhi-Salam), or if he wears one of his garments, or performs a duty suitable for Allah's prophet, it means that he will rise in rank. If he is a scholar, it means that his knowledge will be widely spread and his virtues and servitude will benefit others, or if one is a physician, it means that he will become renowned and most successful. If one who sees him is struck by fear and reverence in his dream, it means honor, power and blessing wherever he may go. If a sick person sees him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If one sees Jesus sick, it means one's own death. In general, to see Jesus in a dream means miraculous events, social justice and economic growth. If a pregnant woman sees Jesus Alayhi-Salam, in her dream, it means that she will beget a child who will grow to become a physician. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ivy Dream Explanation — (English ivy; Ginseng; Herbal medicine) Ivy in a dream represents a physician. Seeing it in a dream means that one will use homemade medicine to cure his illness. Ivy in a dream also signifies a bad character, or it could represent an ill will. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Palm leaves Dream Explanation — (Palm branch; Spadix) In a dream, palm leaves represent an ointment, purification, cleanliness, a nurse, a bridegroom, or a physician who performs circumcision. (Also see Palm branch) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tanner Dream Explanation — (Changing hide into leather or curing it; Dye) Seeing a tanner in a dream is interpreted the same as seeing a cupper. (See Cupping). Both specialties cure something. If one sees a physician becoming a tanner in a dream, it denotes his expertise and the large number of people who benefit from his treatments. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Legist Dream Explanation — (arb. Faqir; Religious scholar; Scholar; Theologian) A legist in a dream represents intelligence, awareness, knowledge and seeking to study different branches of religious knowledge. Seeing a legist in a dream also represents a physician, repentance from one's sins, or receiving guidance on the straight path. (Also see Masjid; Mosque; Scholars) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tanner Dream Explanation — Unless one finds the tanning to be faulty, then it indicates a non-professional person. If seeing a tanner in a dream is understood to denote material benefits, then in reality, he represents an escape from death. If he is understood in relationship with religious matters, then seeing him means feeding the poor and hungry during a drought or a famine. A tanner in a dream also represents a peacemaker, a physician, or a guardian. However, it is possible to interpret a tanner in a dream to mean distress, adversities, or an unjust person. (Also see Dye; Vat) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sesame seeds Dream Explanation — The meaning of dry sesame seeds in a dream denotes greater opportunities than the fresh ones. If the seeds are fried or sauteed, then they denote a greater evil and hardships. Sesame seeds and mustard seeds in a dream denote good only when seen by a physician. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing sesame seeds in a dream could mean a sickness, fever, or even poison. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veterinarian Dream Explanation — In a dream, a veterinarian is a person who adorns and beautifies distinguished and honored people, and who supports and assists them in developing strength. Seeing a veterinarian in a dream also means performing a marriage ceremony, travels, a pharmacist or a merchant. In a dream, a veterinarian also means nursing the wounded soldiers in the battlefield. A veterinarian in a dream also may be interpreted as one's physician, one who practices righteousness, a wise man, a specialist in setting broken bones, cupping, or practicing bloodletting medicine. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Singing Dream Explanation — (Chanting; Song) Singing in a dream means falsehood and trouble. Having a beautiful voice in a dream may represent a profitable business. Otherwise, if one sings off key in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losing business. A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singing has taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because of jealousy, envy and perfidy. Singing in a dream also connotes evil, disputes and fights. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Fox Dream Explanation — A fox in a dream represents a lethal enemy, a perfidious person, a liar, a poet, someone who defraud people, a schemer and a trickster. Somehow, a fox in a dream is also interpreted generally as a Fortuneteller, a dangerous state inspector, a physician or a good business manager. Killing a fox in a dream means taking advantage of a noble woman. A fox in a dream also means ingratiating oneself before a noble man or a noble woman. If one sees a fox toadying him and seeking his protection in a dream, it represents his fear of spirits, Jinn's or human beings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dream interpreter Dream Explanation — A dream interpreter in a dream also represents someone who does not keep a secret or someone who brings people both happy or sad news. In a dream, he is also a preacher, an advisor, one who balances things, a money changer, a garment cleaner, an undertaker, a barber, a comedian, a news broadcaster or someone who searches for people's faults. Seeing oneself as a dream interpreter in a dream, and if one qualifies to sit on the bench, it means that he will become a judge. If he is seeking knowledge, he will acquire it. If he is seeking to become a physician, he will become one. Otherwise, he might become a money changer, a banker or any of the earlier mentioned trades. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Mustard seeds Dream Explanation — (Mustard; Money; Poison) In a dream, mustard means poison. If one eats mustard in his dream, it means that someone may poison him, or that he may fall into a vicious circle, or acquire an evil reputation. It also means that he may receive clean money, though through awesome hardships. Mustard seeds in a dream only denote good if seen by a physician. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing mustard or sesame seeds in a dream means a sickness, a fever, or poison. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pumpkin Dream Explanation — (Gourd; Squash; Zucchini) In a dream, a pumpkin represents a scholar, or a highly trained physician who cares about his patients and who is loved by the people, who asks for little and who rarely asks for anything for himself. A pumpkin in a dream could also denote medicine and particularly when cooked. Eating pumpkin in a dream also means guidance, following good example, or it could mean temptation. Eating a pumpkin in a dream also means recovering a lost object, or reuniting with one's beloved, or correcting one's spiritual thoughts. Eating raw pumpkin in a dream means becoming scared of roaming spirits (See Jinn), or it could mean fighting with someone. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Scholars Dream Explanation — If one sees a scholar who is considered to be a reference in religious knowledge, and if one accepts his admonition in the dream, though in wakefulness he does not follow this school of thought, it means that he will be tried with an adversity that will be remembered by people for sometime to come, though his testimony will be accepted by the people. If a well-known early scholar appears in one's dream when the dwellers of that locality are experiencing adversities, economic distress or a drought, it means that their calamity will be lifted. Seeing an unknown scholar, or an unknown religious doctor in a dream means that a physician or a philosopher may visit one's house. (Also see Legist; Companions of the Prophet; Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam; Masjid; Mosque) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Roasted meat Dream Explanation — (Grilled meat; Restaurant) To buy roasted or grilled meat from a restaurant in a dream means enrolling one's children in a school and entrusting them to a good teacher to educate them and properly train them. The owner of such a restaurant represents an educator, a trainer or a sheikh. Buying from him in a dream also means hiring a worker who is trained at the hands of an experienced master. If one sees himself roasting or grilling meat in a dream, it means that he may become a tax collector, a physician, a jailer, a torturer, a thief, or a murderer. Seeing someone roasting meat on fire in a dream may denote a wedding, a picnic, or celebrating the birth of a new child. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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