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Islamic dreams about Nudity find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Nudity dictionary!
Nudity dream interpretations
Nudity in the Masjid Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself as nude in the masjid or market place or in any other place, provided non had seen his aurah nor had anyone taunted him it suggest cheerfulness after sorrow, good health after sickness, atonement from sins and freedom from debts. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Venus Dream Explanation — (Planet; Woman) In a dream, the planet Venus represents a beautiful woman. Seeing the planet Venus in a dream means getting married to an attractive and a beautiful woman of no kinship to him, though her beauty will lead many people into temptation. The planet Venus in a dream also could mean allegations, playfulness, complaisance, jokes, images, idolatry, jewelry, nudity, pictures of beautiful women, or it could mean beautiful clothing. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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