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Islamic dreams about Fertile Soil find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Fertile Soil dictionary!
Fertile Soil dream interpretations
Soil and Mud Dream Explanation — These symbolize grief, sorrow and fear. Their magnitude depends on how much soil or mud is seen. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Soil and Sand Dream Explanation — Soil, sand and dust symbolize wealth in the form of goods, if someone sees soil, Sand or dust flying on him or he sees himself eating it, it suggest that he will become wealthy and affluent. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sheep Dream Explanation — • Seeing a skinned ram or any of its limbs at one’s place: Someone will die there.
• Having sex with a ewe: Will obtain undue money and have a fertile but uneventful year.
• Slaughtering a ewe: Will have sex with or marry a woman.
• A ewe giving birth to a baby sheep: Fertility and prosperity.
• A ewe entering a house: A fertile year is ahead.
• Ewe fat: A woman’s wealth. Therefore, slaughtering a ewe to eat its meat means one will inherit from one’s wife and eat-up her wealth. A pregnant ewe: The dreamer is aspiring to something.
• A ewe assaulting the dreamer to rape him: The dreamer’s wife is cheating him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

City Dream Explanation — Seeing oneself in Egypt in a dream means longevity and a comfortable living. Seeing oneself in a farmland in a dream means pursuing innovation. Seeing oneself in a bower in a dream signifies the coming of a prosperous year. Seeing oneself in Jerusalem or at the feet of Mount Sinai in a dream also means prosperity. Seeing oneself in Bethlehem in a dream means increased religious devotion. Seeing oneself in Damascus in a dream means blessings, prosperity and wealth, or it could mean corruption. A cold city in a dream represents adversities. Seeing oneself in a shore city in a dream means winning people's acceptance. Standing on a sulfuric soil or a salinized soil in a dream means an illness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Digging the Earth Dream Explanation — If someone sees himself digging the earth and eating the soil, it means he will acquire wealth by cheating and deceiving people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Al-Khidr Dream Explanation — Seeing Al-Khidr, whose name literally means “verdure” or “greenness” means: (1) A long life, including a pilgrimage. (2) Fertility of the soil and abundance after death. (3) Cheaper prices. (4) A feeling of security  (after fear). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Lotus Dream Explanation — The lotus tree symbolizes an honest and cautious man from a good family and as fertile and generous as the tree. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Seeing Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) on Dry Land Dream Explanation — If the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) is seen standing on dry, arid land, such land will soon become green and verdant fertile. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Walking Over Snakes Dream Explanation — A man bought a farmland. One night, he saw his nephew in his farm walking over snakes. In the morning, he asked a dream interpreter about it, and the latter replied: "If your dream is true, the land you bought is fertile, and whatever you plant therein will come to life." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cow Dream Explanation — • Slaughtering a cow or a bull: Will rip up a man, especially if blood was seen in the dream. And that man could die.
• Standing on a hill and witnessing a massacre of cows: Will become the center of an epic involving genocide.
• Tilling land with the help of a cow: A very fertile year.
• More than fourteen cows: War.
• Less than fourteen cows: Dispute. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Thunder Dream Explanation — If the sound of thunder is heard during the first nine days of the month of May in a dream, it means the death of noble and leading people in Turkey. During that period, rain will be in abundance, the land will be fertile and the farms most productive. If the dream takes place between the tenth and the twentieth day of the month of May, it means plagues. If the sound of thunder is heard in a dream during the first ten days of June, it means the death of renowned scholars, people of knowledge, religious leaders, or noble people in Egypt. Meanwhile, prices will fall, and abundance will ease the economy into a major economic turnaround. If the dream is seen during the first six days of July, it means that good rain will fall during the following December and that the land will be fertile. During that year, several Western leaders will die, and a war may take place in Persia. Meanwhile, evil will spread throughout Egypt, and it will be brought about by its own leaders. If the dream takes place during the last seven days of July, it means that peace will spread throughout the earth, prices will fall in Iraq and in East Africa, and a new disease will affect fruit trees, banana trees, date trees, though wheat will be available in abundance, even if the farmers were concerned about it in the early part of the year. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Piss Dream Explanation — • Pissing in an animated area of a marketplace: The dreamer will become a familiar figure in that market.
• A horseman stepping down from a mare for some adventitious reason and pissing blood: He is indulging in adultery  (because, according to the ancient Arabs, the soil is a woman and pissing is sex, while blood symbolizes what is prohibited).
• Urinating in the mihrab or prayer niche: The dreamer will have a son who will become a Muslim spiritual leader, as the mihrab basically represents the imam. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Cheese Dream Explanation — Cheese means easy money or money and comfort. But wet cheese is better than dry cheese. It also symbolizes a fertile year. Dry cheese refers to a journey. A piece of cheese is a whiff of money. Dreaming of eating cheese with bread predicts a sudden ailment. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Manure Dream Explanation — (Dung; Excrement) Manure represents money for one who eats it, or for one who collects it in his house or in a barn in his dream. Any animal excrements that are used to fertilize the soil, or if they are used as fuel represent profits when seen in a dream and particularly dried dung. Pigeons droppings, or the refuse of any type of fowl in a dream represent unlawful money. Cow dung in a dream is a sign of prosperity and a good harvest for farmers only. (Also see Droppings; Dung) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tree Dream Explanation — • Seeing many date palms in a garden or a fertile land and taking their fruits: Will obtain money from honest and noble people.
• A dead person sitting on top of a tree or owning one:
• If the tree is big and beautiful, the dead man is in Paradise.
• If the tree seen in the dream is ugly and full of thorns or black and filthy, like the Zachum oil tree or the thorn tree, he is being tortured in Hell. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Rain Dream Explanation — • The soil “raining up” blood or stones: Sufferings.
• Raining mostly blood or dust: Injustice on the part of the ruler.
• Raining dust without the latter forming a screen that reduces visibility: Fertility.
• Raining swords: Controversies, disputes, and perhaps a civil strife in the area.
• Raining watermelons: A disease or an epidemic.
• Raining all over the town: The areas inhabitants will be calumniated.
• Rain pouring from all sides, uprooting trees and throwing them on the ground: intrigue and death at the hands of the ruler. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Stair Dream Explanation — • A tyrant or an atheist going down to a good place such as a mosque, a beautiful garden, a fertile land, or a wash house: The dreamer will change for the better. If, on the contrary, he goes down to a precipice, a barren land, an atheist stronghold, or any place where abominations take place or where a fire is raging or a ferocious mammal or a reptile is lurking, it will be the dreamer’s doom. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Planting Dream Explanation — Seeing an arable land or planting it in a dream means finding work, or doing someone a favor with ulterior motives, or performing a duty from which one hopes to receive benefits at a later time. Planting in a dream also means that one's wife will become pregnant. If one sees himself planting in other than a fertile ground in a dream, it means that he engages in sodomy. (Also see Crop; Seeds) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ink Dream Explanation — (Knowledge) In a dream, ink signifies honor, dignity and the rising of one's star. If one's shirt or garment are stained with ink in a dream, it means disgrace, though one will eventually overcome his adversities and regain his former status. Seeing a spotted garment with ink in a dream could mean leprosy, or perhaps that ink will soil one's shirt as seen in one's dream. Ink in a dream also signifies power and dominion. Writing with ink in a dream means strength and authority. Using ink or seeing someone using it in a dream means honor, rank, assisting others, and it may represent a learned person, or a religious scholar. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Camel Dream Explanation — • Owning or riding a she-camel:  (1) If a bachelor, will get married.  (2) If planning to travel, the journey will take place.  (3) Will own some land or a house, et cetera.
• A she-camel giving milk in a mosque or an agricultural field: A fertile year to come. If people are scared or besieged, or if there is some intrigue or heresy in the air, all those things would disappear, as the she-camel milk represents normalcy in adoring God and observing the Tradition of the Holy Prophet.
• Touching a baby camel: Sorrow and worries. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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