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Islamic dreams about Dance find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Dance dictionary!
Dance dream interpretations
Dance Dream Explanation — • Being dragged to a dance: Escape from a problem or an accusation.
• A child dancing: Bad dream, meaning that the subject might become a deaf-mute, because mutes use their hands to make signs, like a dancing child.
• Dancing on a hill or any elevated place: Fear.
• A prisoner dreaming that he is dancing: Will be unchained and freed from prison.
• A rich or poor woman dancing: Silly acts and big scandal.
• Dreaming that you dance while sailing in reality: Hardships are ahead.
• A poor person dancing: Will get rich, but only for a while.
• A professional male dancer dancing for himself: Someone associated with catastrophes.
• A professional female dancer:  (1) The underworld, or the mean world.  (2) Rest for whoever is tired.
• A bondsman dancing: Will be beaten up.
• A monkey trainer who makes monkeys dance: Someone will teach a lesson to polytheists and their children. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Dance Dream Explanation — This has contradictory interpretations.
• Dancing: Tragedy. The dancer will blow up.
• Dancing for somebody else: Will share his tragedy.
• Dancing alone in one’s house:  (1) Joy and sufficiency, because one dances only when his stomach is full and he doesn’t care for anything.  (2) Dancing at home and being surrounded only by one’s family, with no stranger around: Good for everybody.
• One’s wife, son, or any other relative dancing: Good augury, joy and plenty of riches.
• Dancing in someone else’s place: The owner of that place will be plagued with a tragedy in which the dancer will be involved.
• A patient of either sex dancing: Disease will last longer and worries will increase. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bear trainer Dream Explanation — (Circus; Hunter) A bear trainer is the one who hunts it, trains it, teaches it to dance and to obey his orders. A bear trainer in a dream represents a teacher who teaches good conduct to ignorant people, or a coach of a woman singer. He also represents people who illicit unlawful or tainted money from drugs or prostitution. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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